Internationally renowned photographer and filmmaker Chris Ireland and his production team have unveiled their latest project: a high-quality short film that explores the vital role animals play in supporting the...
The “Our Stories Matter” project continues to grow. This time with a new podcast series and an upcoming book launch. Sponsored by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice the...
Six of our volunteers went back to Kintsugi basics, taking part in a hands-on Kintsugi art workshop led by Kintsugi Master Jun Morooka. It was an opportunity to embrace the...
Written by Alec Barnett Australian carers, often overlooked and socially isolated, play a vital role in providing essential care and support to family members and loved ones in need. In...
In a powerful collaboration aimed at amplifying stories of resilience and hope, Kerrie Atherton, founder of Stories of Hope Australia, has teamed up with Kintsugi Heroes, a platform dedicated to...
On September 19th, our founder, Ian Westmoreland, was formally recognized for his incredible contributions to the community with the prestigious Order of Australia Medal (OAM). The ceremony took place at...